Dwell Well Realty in San Diego has an annual beach clean up day! With this being their 4th year doing it, they were even more excited than usual! They make it a fun day for everyone by having a BBQ before they start the beach clean up, which is coordinated by San Diego Coast Keepers! What keeps the cleaners motivated is the chance to win a $100 Visa for the team that collects the most waste!
Luckily, OTV was able to cover this awesome day! The interviews were done by Angela Mills of Oakwood Escrow. The Interviews include; Mike Acker with Dwell Well Realty, Kristin Kuhn with San Diego Coast Keepers, Alisa Edwards with Dwell Well Realty, Tina Dameron with Dwell Well Realty, and Bob Dameron with Dwell Well Realty!
San Diego Coast keepers were the ones who coordinated this day! They offer a variety of ways to help clean up the beaches, whether it is a big cleanup, small cleanup, or a private cleanup! By attending or having a beach cleanup event, you have an immediate positive impact on the environment by removing trash before it infiltrates our inland and coastal waters.
For more information on San Diego Coast Keepers go to: www.sdcoastkeeper.org
For more on Oakwood Escrow Metro go to: www.oakwoodmetro.com
And for more on Dwell Well Realty go to: www.dwellwellca.com