OTV Covers the Pride 5K Run

OTV Covers the Pride 5K Run in beautiful Hillcrest! This run is presented by Front Runner & Walkers San Diego which is a sporting and social club for lesbians, gay men, and their families and friends. They meet up three times a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays,  for running and walking activities in Balboa Park . This group was established in 1981 and has been getting bigger and stronger every year! They were able to gather over over 1,000 runners for this years race, which is a new record for them!

The members of this club also participate in a variety of different races throughout the year, such as the San Diego Half Marathon, La Jolla Half, Rock ‘N Roll, and Mammoth Half! They are constantly preparing for the next race. So if you are interested you should definitely join their meet up.  For a full year you only pay $20 and for half a year $10! With your membership you get a newsletter, access to the “members only” section of the website, participation in social and fitness activities, discounted pricing at many of their social events, and advance notice of events! For more information on Front Runners and Walkers San Diego go to www.frwsd.org 

Interviews in this video were done by Tawnie Vargas of Oakwood Escrow. The interviews included; Cory Wilcox with The Home Avenue Collective, David LaFleur a Pride 5K Runner, and Andy Kleinke the Chairman for Front Runners & Walkers San Diego!

For more videos go to www.oakwoodtv.tv

For more on Oakwood Escrow go to www.oakwoodescrow.com

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