free real estate Market snapshot
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What's Inside
Real Time neighborhood Information
Our Real Estate Market Snapshots provide up-to-the-minute data on a variety of different factors to help you choose your new neighborhood, or better understand your current neighborhood.
Local Community & School Data
We'll show you critical information for local schools and communities, including demographics, amenities, & more.
Your Neighborhood Convenience Score
Based on your proximity to important places, such as hospitals, gas stations, banks, movie theaters, restaurants, and a lot more!

About Oakwood escrow
We believe it is our responsibility to actively PROTECT and maintain all private information and trust funds provided to us by our clients. Oakwood leads the industry in this area by implementing strict policies and procedures to help ensure our internal operations support a secure environment. We take the responsibility of our clients security seriously. Oakwood conducts quarterly penetration tests of our systems by an outside company to help us identify any areas within our systems that could be vulnerable to attack by hackers. Ask what steps the Escrow company you choose takes to protect your PERSONAL INFORMATION and FUNDS!

Buyers & Sellers - What You Need To Know:
- #1 - Hyper-Local Neighborhood Info
- #2 - School and Community Data
- #3 - Neighborhood Convenience Rating
- #4 - Detailed Neighborhood Demographics